Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Pros and Cons of Television

For most people, watching television is an enjoyable way to spend time. It is an undemanding activity that passes the time and there are very few families that don’t own at least one television. Since so many people now own a television, there has been a proliferation in the number of channels available and shows to watch, so that you can quite easily find yourself spending hours in front of the television.Consequently, you may neglect other activities that need doing. Thus, although television may help to ease boredom, there are also some negative aspects associated with watching television.Breaking news shown live on your TVGlobal news network allows the latest global events to be aired worldwide and beamed directly to your living room. Examples (from top-left, clockwise) include September 11th attack, 2004 Tsunami in Indonesia, 2008 H1N1 outbreak and 2011 earthquake in Japan.Pros of watching televisionThe positive aspects of watching television include that you have somethi ng to talk to friends and relatives about. There are certain programs which are more popular than others and if you watch them you feel included and that you have something in common with the people around you. Television can help to foster a sense of national identity, since a significant proportion of the population will be exposed to the same kinds of news programs and television shows, so that people feel that they belong to a wider community. Plus, television can also be informative and educational, opening people’s eyes up to the world outside.Educational TV programsEducational TV programs provide priceless information that not only educate but also opens up your mind. Most of these programs teach and educate people on subjects that you may otherwise will not know and are never taught in schools.Cons of watching televisionNon-educational TV programsHowever, there are also a lot of television shows that are not very educational, and could even be considered trash. Realit y shows, for instance, offer nothing of any worth to the audience, yet people still tune in. People get hooked on shows which are poorly produced and concentrate mostly on issues of sex and violence. Although there is no conclusive evidence that watching violence on television makes children more violent, when there is so much violence on television, it makes sense that people would become desensitized to it, and that this could make it easier for children to engage in violent activities.Watching too much TV can lead to weight gain, poor social skills and lower academic results Unsupervised children spending too much of their time in front of a TV can have a big impact on their life. Obesity, lack of social skills and poor academic results are just some of the effects TV have on children. Some psychologist believe that too much TV time can have a major effect in the psychology of the child. Children are suppose to interact and play, not sit and watch.Poor parenting and weight gainIt is also evident that many people spend too much time watching television, so that parents don’t bother to spend any time playing or talking with their children. It is far easier to stick them in front of the television, rather than taking them to the park. It can’t be a coincidence that so many people are now overweight when they spend much more time watching television than they would have done years ago. People used to be a lot more active, but now television is the most convenient way for individuals to keep themselves occupied. Thus, they burn hardly any calories while most probably consuming an excessive amount of calories.It’s addictiveEven though there are many negative aspects associated with watching television, many people enjoy television far too much to reduce the amount  they watch or to avoid watching television altogether. People enjoy not having to think for themselves and to be able to sit down and watch something that helps them to relax, so why would they change?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Mungo Man

History Assignment – Mungo Man The discoveries at Lake Mungo are potentially the most important discoveries made in Australia, if not the world. The skeletal remains uncovered a world that we know very little about. They gave us an insight to the burial practices of the earliest people for both males and females of the time. The skeletal remains were subject to numerous forms of dating, but primarily radiocarbon dating or C-14 dating. Mungo I also known as Mungo woman or LM1 was the first skeleton to be discovered at the site. In 1968 geologist Jim Bowler was conducting research on the Willandra Lakes region, more specifically Lake Mungo. His original intention for the site was to study the Pleistocene layers of the area, looking at the ancient geography of the land. However in one of the lunettes (extended, crescent shaped sand ridges) he happened to notice a bone fragment protruding from an exposed calcrete block. Upon closer inspection he realised that it was not animal but human. Bowler marked the site with a peg for further excavation by archaeologists. Similarly in 1974 Jim also discovered Mungo III/LM3, this time dubbed Mungo Man. His skeleton was discovered after a prolonged period of rain in 1973. The rain has eroded the outer layers of the dirt to reveal a carbonated human skull. These remains were discovered just some 500m from the site of Mungo I. Again marked and excavated later on by archaeologist. Mungo I was the remains of a woman. She was described as a gracile woman, with fine bones and features. She was not found as a whole intact skeleton, rather 175 bone fragments. It was concluded that she was cremated; the charring of the bone fragments supported this theory. From this primary evidence we can hypothesise that the people of the time believed in the ritual passing of an individual, that the deceased should have a physical recognition of the change between the worldly life and the afterlife. We can also guess that from this they had some sort of belief system. Mungo III is an example of how the people of his time treated the males in the society. Instead of the cremation seen in Mungo Woman, this male, again gracile in appearance was instead buried in the ground. Again there is evidence of a ritual burial in the way he was laid. His hands were clasped together and red ochre sprinkled over the body. This arrangement of the body again demonstrates a belief in passing to another world by making the body presentable to this other world. There were numerous ways that the remains have been dated. By using the dated layers that the bones were found in and C-14 dating we are able to get a fairly accurate estimate of when these people were buried. Other ways included electron spin resonance dating, uranium-thorium dating, optically stimulated luminescence dating and thermoluminescence dating. Paleoanthropologists, or people who specialise in studying ancient humans by looking at human fossil primary evidence carried all of these dating methods out. When first discovered in 1968 and 1974 Jim Bowler was able to use his own scientific field of geomorphology. By using the already dated layers that the bones were found in he was able to produce and estimate time of burial. He estimated the bones of LM1 to be around 40,000 years ago and LM3 to around 32,000 years ago. He was able compare the strata of the area and the two skeletons to come up with these estimations. Archaeologists soon came in in the years following each discovery to uncover the remains. After Archaeologists had removed the bones they were handed over to paleoanthropologists and aboriginal peoples for proper testing. The first and most commonly known dating method that they used on the skeletons was radiocarbon or C-14 dating. The second way that archaeologists were able to date the Lake Mungo remains was by electron spin resonance dating. Also known as ESR dating, this method of dating the archaeologist/scientist looks to the radiation damage of bones (mostly teeth) by looking at the amount of radiation an object has been subject to whilst under ground. ESR dating works best on animal teeth so even though the results are still plausible it provided a much larger date area. The results reached showed the conclusion that the bones were around 31, 000 years old for Mungo Man give or take 7, 000 years. This of course would bring the reliability of this method down. Another dating technique they used on the skeletal remains was uranium-thorium dating. Instead of looking at how much of a particular substance is missing uranium-thorium dating records the accumulation of equilibrium between the isotope thorium-230 and its radioactive parent uranium-234. It is useful for determining the age of objects containing calcium carbonate, like bone. This was combined with optically stimulated luminescence dating, where you uncover when the material was last exposed to light to bring an estimate of 62,000 years ago for Mungo III Â ± 6,000 years. This caused controversy and confusion though as the surrounding earth was dated only to 43,000 years. This questions the reliability of these results as not all the facts interlink with each other. While individually these dating methods are quite reliable combined they produce relatively farfetched results. Thermoluminescence dating works in a similar way to optically stimulated luminescence dating in that it measures when it was last exposed to light but also when it was last exposed to heat. By using this technique the bones were dated to no more than 24,600 Â ±2,400 years but no less than 43,300 Â ±3,800 years ago.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Should The Surveillance Be Done in Public Areas Essay

Should The Surveillance Be Done in Public Areas - Essay Example Introduction of surveillance camera has significantly changed the security issues around the globe. Surveillance chiefly involves paying close and frequent attention to someone or something (Tavani, 2001). This is usually for a particular reason, whether private or public and for a certain period of time. In addition surveillance usually takes many forms, such as listening and smelling devices and wiretapping, but in this case, it is important to focus on surveillance involving cameras, placed in either public or private areas. From when you walk out of your house, in most cities, you are being watched (Parenti, 2003). This is because the cameras are now installed in major city streets, gas stations, retail shops and transport systems such as trains. The use of surveillance cameras doubled in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City. These prompted frantic efforts, to curb terrorism, a major threat to security in this century. There is a need to identify the ethic s of surveillance cameras. Historically, the idea of watching the public by a select few, especially those who control us politically and economically can be traced to the Panoptical (Foucault, 1977). This was a kind of prison design, built in such a way that a single guard could watch the prisoners in a single gaze. This is a big way induces prisoners in a state of conscious and permanent knowledge that they are being watched. Foucault saw surveillance as productive machinery of continuous mind control, which is somehow what current surveillance cameras represent. Therefore, what the papers seek to argue the need for new ethics in the surveillance camera industry, because of the reasons below. This is because surveillance when done correctly and for the right reasons and people, individuals involved end up surrendering apart of their civil liberty to privacy, for the sake of public security. Closed -circuit televisions when placed in public areas, give people a sense of security, r educe crime by up to five percent. Up to ninety percent of respondents saw no problem in having such surveillance in public areas. Surveillance done in the above manner, by the correct agencies, can be said to be ethical and legal. On the other hand, there is need to look at the ethics of surveillance cameras, by looking at who does it and for what they will be used to do, therefore the ethics of surveillance cameras. Ethics is defined by the BBC online, as a system of moral principles. This is what is good for the individual and society, therefore is responsible for holding the society together. The ethics of surveillance cameras therefore seeks to look at the circumstances surrounding the use of such cameras, and just how much harm can be done if it finds itself in the wrong hands. Foucault, 1994, referred to surveillance carried out by the government as being watched by â€Å"big brother†, which would encourage good behavior amongst the general population, due to the fact that people would think that they are being watched, even when they are not. As earlier stated, this discussion is not that surveillance cameras should go, rather that it should be done in public areas, by the right people. The main areas in a person’s life most affected by surveillance cameras are trust, privacy, and autonomy (Parenti, 2003). First, surveillance cameras usually infringe on a person’s privacy, mostly when it is done in their private time and within their private property. Concerns on privacy have been here since way back, and have increased with continuous improvement in technology.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The ethic of equal opportunity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The ethic of equal opportunity - Essay Example The concessions came into vogue in the 1960s and 1970s. Preferential treatment programs to the above categories of the American population is not a concession, they are entitled for it. It is a petty societal gesture for the centuries of subjugation, physical violence and mental torture, destruction of the native culture and all sorts of negativities practiced against them especially on the African Americans. Other racial minorities and women also have been at the receiving end. Thus the initiatives of some firms and institutions to recruit a fixed number of minority and women candidates was a welcome relief and that enabled them to change and improve their lifestyles and provide better education to children. The above arrangements have decidedly worked to the advantage of minorities and women. At the middle class level perceptible changes are seen but several inequalities continue to plague the American corporate world. About 97% of corporate senior executives are white. When the to p decision makers are white it is futile to expect of them not to work and frame policies that are beneficial to the white community. Reservation is one of the options to remove inequalities but it is certainly not the panacea to remove all inequalities. Criticism springs forth from two quarters. From whites and a section of the blacks which has resulted in friction amongst the working class. The grievance of the whites is that the policy affects their employment opportunities. The black scholars oppose it and claim that the programs victimize and stigmatize the minorities and this has led to friction amongst the blacks and whites on the one hand and also amongst the different groups of blacks. Reservations may not be a perfect and rational remedy, but the wise saying goes that desperate situations need desperate remedies. The gross injustice done to the African Americans for over three centuries was the desperate situation in their history. They were totally helpless from all ends and the white community enjoyed at their cost. The mansions they built were through the sweat and blood of the slave labor. The atrocities committed by the whites can be forgiven but the historical facts can never be forgotten. So, quotas and reservations are the just alternatives to overcome the racial and sex barriers in the American society. As such, preferential treatment programs are morally justified. If there is one post and there are two applicants for the same, when one of them is selected, the other one is bound to feel discriminated. This is the natural human reaction. But preferential treatment programs have a broader perspective as they are based on the grounds of distributive justice. Society is like the scale of justice and both arms of the scale are equally important. Turn the pages of American history, one arm of the scale had to bear the heavy burden for centuries. As a result of past discrimination, minorities and women were denied the share of opportunities that were due to them. Though discrimination has now ended from the legal perspective, subtle discriminatory policies and practices continue to pervade business organizations and educational establishments. As such, preferential treatment programs seek to lessen inequalities and justice demands this should happen. â€Å"The first premise put forth by Wasserstrom was that race is still a significant factor in our

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Future Employment and Graduate Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Future Employment and Graduate Studies - Essay Example Contact Information (address, phone #, website, email): Reply to advertisement at Our trans-disciplinary teams in Early Childhood Services provide treatment and support to over 1,000 families each year through our community and home-based services. Trans-disciplinary teams may include Educators, Social Workers, Nurses and Speech, Physical, and Occupational Therapists   Job Description: evaluation and monitoring of children to determine physical and mental development. These professionals document activities and record information, track progress and formulate individual therapy plans. Child development specialists also work with a child’s parents to evaluate their ability to carry out the therapy plan. They may interact with parents one-on-one or in group settings. Providing counseling and bringing groups of parents together for mutual emotional support are important aspects of the child development specialist’s job. Contact Information (address, phone #, website, email): reply to advertisement at Work with families and/or children. Employers include cooperative extension; non-profit and private agencies; faith-based organizations; consumer and business agencies and organizations; and federal, state, and local government. Program focus in Child & Family Studies or in closely related fields such as s in social work, counseling, and marriage and family therapy. Name of Program and Focus: Master of Education Curriculum and Instruction – Early Childhood Education. Guides students to extend their pursuit of excellence as teachers of young

Friday, July 26, 2019

Reflection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9

Reflection - Assignment Example The report I received from the grammar checking website for my final draft pinpointed 15 issues in my essay. The highlighted issues enabled me to rectify my grammatical errors and also to rephrase the sentences in more meaningful manner. Many at times, I wrote as the sequence formed in my mind whilst I read. However, in the proofreading process I omitted those lines and rewrote them in a more descriptive manner. The main aim was to communicate my perception to the reader or assessor. Adjective and adverb agreement, subject and verb agreement were unfamiliar terms to me. Therefore, I browsed for these to modify my content according to the reported criteria. Colloquial speech was also a new term, but as I looked for it I realized that there is a huge difference between spoken and written language. As, speech and written language style cannot the same. Therefore, to write any essay, analyses or review one needs to adapt formal and appropriate language style to communicate the aimed purpose. Moreover, punctuations seem insignificant yet they describe the tone of the written content. Like where to pause, where to consider the written text statement, claim or question. Thus, if attention towards punctuation is not given it produces content with no specific tone and leaves the reader in a confused state. Therefore, it is vital to use appropriate punctuations to make one’s content more meaningful and influential (Ariza,

ECONOMICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

ECONOMICS - Essay Example So, for example, when Americans receive more income from their overseas investments than foreigners receive from their investments in the United States, American GNP will be somewhat larger than GDP in that year. If Americans receive less income from their overseas investments than foreigners receive from their US investments, on the other hand, American GNP will be somewhat smaller than GDP ( Equivalent estimates of GNP (or GDP) produced in a given year may theoretically be arrived at through at least three different accounting approaches, depending upon whether the transactions that determine the prices of final goods and services are looked at and tallied up by focussing on the buying or by focussing on the proceeds from selling or by focussing on the nature of the products themselves. Using the expenditure approach, you can estimate total GNP as the sum of estimates of the amounts of money that are spent on final goods and services by households (Consumption), by business firms (Investment), by government (Government Purchases), and by the world outside the country (Net Exports). Using the incomes approach, you can estimate total GNP by summing up estimates of the different kinds of earnings people receive from producing these same final goods and services: (Plus certain adjustments to account for wear and tear on productive assets like plant and machinery -- depreciation -- and what are called indirect business taxes). Using the product or output approach, you can estimate GNP by summing up the output of all the various organizations producing goods and services in the country, subtracting out the costs of their raw materials to avoid double counting and making suitable adjustments for depreciation and for the value of imports and exports. (Butt 2002, Kopecky 1995) (In theory, all three

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Compare and contrast the Baldrige core principles with W. Edwards Essay

Compare and contrast the Baldrige core principles with W. Edwards Deming's 14 points - Essay Example The paper explores comparison and contrast between Baldrige principles with W. Edwards Demings 14 points. The application of quality in production has a long history, starting from 1970’s in Japan and gaining recognition across the world because of its positive effect on product quality (Evans & Lindsay, 2012). This resulted in inventing principles such as total quality management (TQM) that focuses on collective efforts of managers and workers with an aim to satisfy customers’ quest by continually improving operations, management processes and product whose origin traced to W. Edward Deming, Joseph M. Juran and Philip B. Crosby. While the Baldrige principle from Malcolm Baldrige consist of seven core areas: leadership, information and analysis, strategic quality planning, human resource utilization, quality assurance of services, quality results and customer satisfaction. Total Quality Management (TQM) is generally associated with W. Edwards Deming. The economic transformation of post-war Japan through application of TQM principles lead to the crediting of Deming. According to Deming, the principle of total quality management (TQM) embraces total commitment to process and product (or service) improvement by all employees at all levels. On other hand, the Baldrige principle enacted into law in 1990 to emulate and stimulate economic success similar to that of Japan as a result spread the usage of the total quality management (TQM) in businesses and industries in the United State. Moreover, the Baldrige principle invented by Malcolm Baldrige is an illustration of the total quality management (TQM) beliefs because of its seven-core element addressed in the Baldrige sums objectives of the total quality management whose main purpose is to ensure constant quality production (Anderson et al , 2010). This lead into many companies embracing Baldrige in their o peration as it enables collection of baseline data vital in the measurement of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Che Guevara Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Che Guevara Speech - Essay Example This has resulted in a number of individuals working towards developing their abilities, starting business ventures and being hugely successful, running huge business enterprises et al. Communists believe in the propagating the well-being of the worker, who is left to adapt to and 'fit into' living conditions that are deplorable, while the rest are engaged in a race to prove their abilities and talents. Capitalism, though initiated with the humble notion that one's abilities and perseverance can determine the way one shapes one's life, has resulted in a rat-race. Today, one can find Capitalism taking a hugely different form. Huge conglomerates and companies exist, that have changed the way one views and lives life. In fact, Lenin's words, that 'Imperialism is the highest stage of Capitalism', had turned a reality now. This paper attempts to explore Che Guevara's speech in the General Assembly, called 'Colonialism Is Doomed'. Che's speech outlines the various ways in which the countries of the Third World, have experienced the onslaught of Capitalism, in the form of Colonialism, and today, we can see the occurrence of Neo-Colonialism. Che Guevara, the Argentine Marxis... the manner in which Colonialism, Imperialism and Capitalism have reduced the world into an imbalance between the haves and the have-nots. The speech deals with examples from Latin American, Asian and African countries, that have survived the onslaught of Colonial Powers, that have turned Capitalist today. Che talks about how the Imperialist United States has ensured that the Third World bows down in front of them. He states examples of Puerto Rico, wherein North Americans have indulged in implanting the hybrid culture of Spanish and English together. In spite of this, Puerto Ricans have safeguarded their unique culture and heritage, without bowing down to the 'Yankees'. He also cites the examples of how the Belgians, the very same receptors of racial abuse by the Germans, for not being the pure race of Aryans, were now perpetrators of racial crimes against the Congolese. He also spoke about the need for People's Republic of China to be represented in the General Assembly, and not the representation from Taiwan, since it was supported by the United States. Che states, "it must be made clear that in the area of the Caribbean, maneuvers and preparations for aggression against Cuba are taking place; off the coast of Nicaragua above all, in Costa Rica, in the Panama Canal Zone, in the Vieques Islands of Puerto Rico, in Florida, and possibly in other parts of the territory of the United States, and also, perhaps, in Honduras, Cuban mercenaries are training, as well as mercenaries of other nationalities, with a purpose

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Introduction to Mass Communications (MEDC1010) Essay

Introduction to Mass Communications (MEDC1010) - Essay Example The author will first define power and discuss briefly the two forms of power, hard and soft. Following this, the author will give an overview of the CNN Effect and discuss how the first noted example of the Effect, the Somalia civil war and subsequently, the UN and US joint peacekeeping mission into the failed state, literally changed the face of the media landscape. The CNN Effect turned news in specific, and media, in general, from a delayed broadcast of current events in which the typical viewer was simply an observer; to instantaneous or almost real-time broadcasts, bringing the world into one's own living room, and essentially making the individual feel a part of a greater global community (Hess, S., Kalb, M., Eagleberger, L., Woodruff, J., & Livingstone, S., 2002). Power, by definition, is "the factors that enable one actor to manipulate another actor's behavior against its preferences."(Kegley, C., 2009) Specifically, there are two forms of power that are wielded in order to manipulate the other actor, hard power and soft power. Hard power, simply stated, is the coercion by tangible means of actor B by actor A. Examples of hard power can be seen in military action or coercive diplomacy. Following the end of the Cold War, however, a new form of power became increasingly utilized in order to coerce the other player. Soft power. Due to the changing nature of international politics, intangible forms of power, or 'Soft Power' has gained increasing importance (Nye, J.1990). As media outlets began to relate news in real time, beginning with the US invasion of Iraq in 1991, in which journalists were embedded amongst combat military units, literally bringing the war live to the American public, the armchair, typically uninvolved citizen becomes engaged in issues that previous to this period simply did not exist. The face of the media world was forever changed. The CNN Effect: Somalia The classic example of the power of the media is the CNN Effect. In the early 1 990's media became more global and what was known as the CNN effect became a powerful force to be reckoned with. The CNN effect "was first noted when heartbreaking footage of starving children in Somalia pressured U.S. officials to send troops there." (Hess, S., Kalb, M., Eagleberger, L., Woodruff, J., & Livingstone, S., 2002) Media itself became an instigator for the enactment of policy and action. Before the phenomenon of the CNN effect, though many atrocities had occurred worldwide and had been occurring for as long as humans have wielded weapons, the general public scope of awareness did not connect to the distant occurrences, so far from the comfort of their homes. Once the general public began to learn, through the media, about different atrocities, which began with, but was not limited to the civil war taking place in Somalia, pressure was put on the home governments to take action in order to alleviate the situation (in contrast to the clean, almost poetic, surgical airstrik es aired from the invasion of Iraq). In the case of Somalia, the CNN effect not only led to the peacekeeping mission in Somalia, but also to the subsequent early cessation of the mission. After 18 United States soldiers were killed, and the media broadcasted, "horrifying footage of Somalis dragging the body of a

Monday, July 22, 2019

An Important Idea in on the Side Walk Bleeding Essay Example for Free

An Important Idea in on the Side Walk Bleeding Essay An Important Idea in on the Side Walk Bleeding and the Sniper An important idea in On the Sidewalk Bleeding by Even Hunter was that of the importance of having your own identity. Andy, the central character of this short story taught me a valuable lesson as to the significance of this. He also made me aware of the fact that we need to think things through thoroughly rather than making impulsive decisions. Andy was a sixteen year old boy who Wore a purple Jacket; the lettering on the back of the Jacket read The Royals, a name which he was proud to own. But not until he was stabbed did he realize the reality of taking on the identity of what you are not. Underneath the rough, tough appearance of the Jacket Andy was a normal boy, who wanted to live a normal life and achieve many things But now he was dying. Andy had made the fatal mistake of wearing the Jacket of a gang. He had thought that this would give him power and prestige, and did not realism until too late that his identity needed to come from himself, that he had to work hard, and be himself rather than simply follow a crowd in order to form it. This taught me that we an take on someone elses identity the easy way, but it is not so easy to lose, even when it is no longer wanted or needed. A valuable lesson I learnt from Andy was the importance of having your own identity and the necessity of thinking things through thoroughly before making decisions. When Andy became part of the gang he did not know that he was about to die, he did not know that it would rob him of his life and destroy his dreams, he did not know that a time would come when he would hate the title and its meaning, he did not know that he would die A Royal when he Just wanted to be Andy. From this I learned that Andy did not recognize the importance of having his own identity, until he understood that he would be Judged by the group he belonged to, rather than who he was himself. He was A Royal and proud of it. However, the time did come when he resented the title, he wanted to get rid of it but couldnt. This reminds us of our own actions that we have all taken on the spur of the moment while blinded by the glitter and glory of what may lie ahead, without taking the time to stop and think that it may be deeply regretted. We are simply attracted by someone elses power and think we can share it with no effort of our own. It teaches us that we need to spend time in thought, instead of making impromptus decisions, in order to avert these disastrous outcomes. The boy lay on the sidewalk bleeding to the world he wasnt Andy he was simply a boy. a royal how could he escape the title and Jacket that branded him with a stupid word, that to him now seemed meaningless? If he had not been wearing the Jacket he would not have been stabbed, the knife had not been plunged in hatred of Andy. The knife had only hated the purple Jacket; the Jacket was a stupid, meaningless thing that was robbing him of his fife and identity. It is clear that Andy understood too late; however, it has taught me that if we give up our identity to take on that of another group or body we may lose our own completely. It takes time and effort to find our own identity; teenage years in particular are a time for building identity, however, they are often too busy and too occupied to take this time and effort and therefore turn to a gang for the identity they also an important idea in The Sniper by L. Flattery. Unlike Andy in On the Sidewalk Bleeding the sniper has no name and is only referred to as The Sniper money who kills. This text taught me, that in war nobody has a face; nobody has an identity of their own. This story is about two snipers shooting at each other from opposite roof tops. A woman darted toward the side street. The sniper fired and she fell with a shriek into the gutter. A mans head and shoulders appeared, looking toward the sniper. The sniper raised his rifle and fired again, the head fell heavily on the turret wall. The short story ends ironically when the sniper realizes that he has killed his own brother The sniper turned over the dead body and looked into his rooters face. Only then when he saw his brothers face did he realism that his opponents were all individuals with identities of their own. A valuable lesson this taught me was that in war nobody has a face, everyone is Just shooting at the identity of the enemy, at the uniform of the opponent. The fact that none of the characters are named proves this yet again. A young republican, they are only identified by the side they ar e supporting. Because of this inability to see people as individuals they never realism that they may be killing friends and family. T also taught me that we deed to be prepared for the consequences of what may happen when we take sides of war and that we alone must be responsible for our actions. Both the short texts On the side Walk bleeding and The Sniper look at this idea of identity. However, while Andy finally recognizes the danger of not having his own identity and dies rejecting the gangs overriding one, we are left to assume the snipers ultimate understanding of the danger of losing your identity, that he will realism that he is in conflict with humans and will begin to wonder about the identities of all he has killed.

Issues Surrounding Masculinity in United States Essay Example for Free

Issues Surrounding Masculinity in United States Essay Our society today has little tolerance for men and masculinity in general. Masculinity can be defined as having qualities or appearance of male. It includes behaviors typically associated with men. In his book, Ferguson takes us into the world of a sole, municipal elementary school attended by students who have been labeled as troublemakers and potential jail inmates. She identifies how a group of young boys of African American origin aged between 11 to 12 years are identified by their school work force as lovers of jail (14). Over the years black Americans boys have been subjected to a kind of discrimination both in school and outside. There are claims that teachers treat these boys as if they are doomed to fail. Ferguson (26) goes on to criticize the form of punishment given to the boys which according to him does not instill discipline but simply perpetuating troublemakers and creating potential inmates (67). According to equality index carried out by Pascoe (114), black men in America have high chances of being unemployed than white men. The black men are seven times more likely more to be imprisoned with a jail sentence of above ten months over their white counterparts. The report also discloses other disparities ranging from unemployment, school drop out rates and annual income. While there have been some improvements on the gap between the black men and white men in United States of America, black masculinity is still being faced with greater problem. Despite the condemnation given to them, Ferguson argues that Black American boys look seriously at schooling and excelling in life. In addition she identifies how the whole society beliefs in a natural difference of black children from the white children. Most people according to him identify the black men as criminal and it is this view that disproportionately put them in danger of disappointment and punishment. this is a greatly interfere with the black American boys according who in future end up taking the negative behavior as implied by their mentors. Ferguson bases her argument on a fundamental theory of learning, drawn from two sources: Marxist Bowles speculation view of society which gives school the task of reproducing the existing communal pecking order, and Foucault’s post-structural theory of disciplinary authority that views punishment as an instrument of social segregation (82). He contrasts this speculative frame to the commonly held liberal idea that schools are meritocratic (112). But the black American boys are hyper aware of their individuality pattern. According to Fergusson (123), they act upon their masculinity through impressive performances and disruptions in class work and they achieve their self worth for themselves by using hostility behavior strategy to regain their sense of self. Â  To identify themselves as resourceful, authoritative and knowledgeable in the face of the humiliation they encounter in school. By masculinity, Malin (36) seems to mean men who not only reveal the physical qualities of toughness but also who also possesses some noble principle. In his book, Malin claimed that Clinton has been shown as a conflicted and sensitive, yet strong man (42). It is these characters according to Malin (43) that helped him win presidential elections. Clintons personality remained a package of conflicts that variously embraced and overthrown different stereotypes of masculinity hence he was able to remain a strong man. Malin 2005 (78). Sonenstein associates masculinity with culture, and socialization and encourages men to try to live up to cultural standards of masculinity (342). According to Malin, men fraternity face pressures and dilemmas around race- and gender-based individuality structure is always a flagrant force that works against these students maintaining an obligation to schooling. This is why schools across the nation for example in US observe a continual attrition of schoolboys as they link the ranks of troublemakers (67). According to Ferguson (112), molding our boys viewing them as Bad Boys is a powerful challenge to current views on the setback of the black males in school. Currently black males are severely constrained by the society and culture of their high school and of American society in general. This form of treatment world neither favor girl child who is always more vulnerable to several situations. Due to this unhealthy treatment the black American Male end up performing poorly in their education which lead them to drug abuse and criminal activities which in future lead them to be on the wrong side of the law. Ferguson 2000 (P 139) Both black and white men have their roles to play as men in America. Ferguson advocates for need to change the social organization and the culture of the society so as to enhance a suitable learning environment of the African American males in particular and all children in general. Solutions begin from an assurance that slight inputs, short-term interventions and person prescriptions into schools are greatly sufficient to cure an organization that is mainly flawed. The organization should aim for metropolitan black kid who seems to be the formation of a community which will basically obey the rules of civilization. A reform of the whole educational system is what is urgently necessary according to Ferguson (234). Overhauling the whole school system is the only way according to Ferguson (113) for eliminating all kind of institutionalized discrimination. She states that significant changes may take position by altering the curriculum and establishing lesser classes whereby student gets enough attention from their trainers. In addition, antiracist education for student teachers and reciprocated respect among adults and youth will also form a very good base to eliminate society and cultural constrain. Schools that are reorganized in this way would help in bringing new meaning to the Black masculinity (235).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Book Summary On Presentation Of Self

Book Summary On Presentation Of Self Introduction The presentation of oneself is based on the observation of an individual through comparing the life of him and the other people. Because of that inspiration of determining the revolutions that are found in the society, the roles and relationships that are found can affect the value of an individual and the idea on how he can describe himself from other people. Due to the intensive curiosity of an individual in life and his environment, there are studies that stress out the possible explanation on how to describe the changes in the earnest way. Various sociological models and approaches were presented to show the connection of the man in his environment. The interaction of the people in the social life is presented by the Erving Goffman in his dramaturgical model that attempts to see the society in a lighter sense. The Key Ideas Erving Goffman prepared the key ideas behind the discussion on the values wherein the ideas in theorizing the social roles and relations that are present in the contemporary society. According to the book of Goffman, the individual performs a certain role, which varies according to their audience. Those individuals as actors have an intention in manipulating the role that they play for the purpose of managing others impressions of them. Usually, this occurs through the interaction of the individuals in their everyday life. Since the society presents the interactions that usually matters with the human social relations or group of life, there is a natural involvement of disciplines that goes right with the study of sociology including the economics, political science, and psychology because they all fall within the topic of human society. Goffman, presented the theory that suggests that individuals engage in a significant amount of expressive manipulation along several fronts. Goffman likened his ideas to a theatre because individuals are, in essence, dramatic actors on a stage playing parts dictated by culture and this is the goal of such a presentation is acceptance from the audience through manipulation. If the actor succeeds, then they will be viewed as they desired by the audience. Goffman argues that the key to this success is to control which information the audience has access to (Goffman, 1959). Unlike the sociological theories wherein the individuals are linked with the disciplines early states, Goffmans dramaturgical model outlines the existence of the humans perspective on the stages where as an actor he usually plays. Giddens (2009) suggests that front regions are situations where individuals act out formal roles, essentially when they are on-stage. Performances in front regions often require teamwork in order to be successful. Impression management also occurs in the front regions as the actor is trying to give the audience certain impressions of himself. Goffman suggests that when an individual appears before others, he will have many motives for trying to control the situation. In contrast, back regions (of the stage) are where individuals or performance teams prepare themselves for their roles. Goffman implies that it is where teams discuss and rehearse their performance before they enter the front stage. Props can also be used to aid an actor in their performance an d they are assembled in the back region. These props assist an actor in convincing the audience that their performance is true. For example, a waitress in a restaurant would use a notepad and paper to take an order, to help convince her audience (customers) that her performance is true. Goffman indicated that the two regions are connected by a guarded passageway. This stops public performances being shattered by an inadvertent look from an audience member. If an individuals performance is weak, the audience will see through it. The phenomenon of embarrassment is where the actor acts ineffectually or is unable to sustain their expected role. This leads to them being excluded from full participation in society, which demonstrates the importance of maintaining the appearance of being a competent social actor. The dramaturgical models value in theorizing social roles and relations in contemporary society is open to discussion. Goffmans ideas are praised for having had a profound influen ce on sociology as a discipline. On his book, it clearly states that Goffman uses the dramaturgical metaphor as his contribution in the field of sociology. He acknowledges the most stimulating and thought-provoking contributions to sociology which made the sociologists today refer to his work, especially for examples on how to carry out micro sociological work. Goffmans dramaturgical model can also be seen as valuable within contemporary society as the concepts he developed have become part of the very fabric of sociology (Giddens, 2009). For example, phrases such as front stage, back stage and performance have all become an important part of sociologys vocabulary. Moreover, Goffman identifies the way in which humans use culture in interaction. This allows for a certain level of understanding in how our culture shapes our social interactions with others. This all provides evidence for the argument that Goffmans work, especially his dramaturgical model, is valuable in contemporary society when trying to theories social roles and relations. However, it can be argued that Goffman does not give enough recognition to the role those power plays in shaping our social relations. If his dramaturgical model ignores this potentially crucial factor, can it be considered valuable? Additionally, his choice of methodology has also attracted criticism. How ever, there are doubts over its validity as a research method. It can be argued that using a metaphor means any resulting analysis cannot be disproved and may therefore have little scientific use and also the metaphors are criticizes only partial descriptions of social behaviour. Consequently, Goffmans use of a metaphor to outline his dramaturgical model may result in the validity of his entire theory being questioned, and therefore its overall value to contemporary society. Goffmans suggestion that his dramaturgical model revolves around the interaction rituals of everyday life has also been questioned. But in the continuous increase in the formality of modern interpersonal relationships there is a decline in class in contemporary society raise doubts about the degree to which such rituals are essential to everyday life. This again suggests that Goffmans dramaturgical model is of no value to theorizing social roles and relations in contemporary society. This argument is also reinforced by the fact that his model is only relevant to western societies which have developed a division between the public and the private realms of life. Essentially, Goffman universalizes from a perspective of a white, middle-class male in 1950s America, where there are apparent front and back stages. Giddens (2009) argues that this division is not as apparent or does not exist at all in other societies and therefore Goffmans dramaturgical model is irrelevant. In conclusion, Goffmans dramaturgical model has both its criticisms, and its values. It can be seen that there are legitimate concerns regarding its validity and significance within certain cultures. However, it is valuable in some respects as it can be applied to contemporary western societies when theorizing social roles and relations. This helps to give us a greater understanding of why people act they way to do in different situations. In addition, Goffmans overall contribution to sociology is unquestionable and it is fair to say that his dramaturgical model has a strong role to play in that ( Discussion The work of Goffman manifests the deep appreciation in the individual work within the society. His contribution in the sociology has a great effect in the modern sociological studies. For example, economics is linked to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services; political science to political philosophy and to actual forms of government; and psychology to individual human mental processes. Sociology, however, is involved with almost the whole human life beyond the biological level which fully asserted by Goffman in his study. Virtually, all human activities have a social aspect in that people engage in them together rather than alone and mutually influence one another. Sociology is best viewed with the contribution of Goffman as not as a distinct subject area but as a particular perspective on human conduct. The same may be said of psychology, but the psychologist focuses on the individual whereas the sociologists are concerned with the pattern of social rel ations formed by two or more persons. Social interactions, or the mutual responses of individuals, are perhaps the basic sociological concept, because such interaction is the elementary component of all relationships and groups that made human society. As a discipline, or a body of systematized knowledge of sociology, Goffman used this as an inspiration in presenting one-self and which can be the very foundation of a society. The aspect of his studies was long identified primarily with the broad evolutionary reconstructions of historical changes in Western Societies, as well as the endeavour to explore the relationships and interdependencies among their more specialized institutions and aspect of social life, such as economy, the state, the family, and religion. Sociology, in Goffmans study, can be thought more about synthesizing the field that attempted to integrate the findings acquired from other social sciences. Although such concepts concerning the scope and task of sociology are still prevalent, they now tend to be regarded as the province of sociological theory, which is only a part of the entire discipline. Sociological theory, in a lighter sense as based on the works of Goofman, includes the discussion and analysis of basic concepts that are common to all different spheres of social life that had been part of studying sociology. An emphasis on empirical investigations that is, the gathering of data carried out by standardized and often statistical research methods, directed the attention of sociologists away from the total but abstract visions towards the limited and concrete areas of social reality. These areas where Goffman focused on came to constitute the recognized subfields and specialties of sociology that are today part of the college courses, textbooks, and specialized journals. Much of the scholarly and scientific works of Goffman, it falls clearly within one another of the many subfields into which the discipline is divided and can be performed by an individual. In addition to the basic concepts, research sociological theory and research methods are both usually required s ubjects for all who study sociology. The oldest subfields in the disciplines are those that concentrate on the social phenomena in which Goffman in practically asserting and that have not previously been adopted as objects of study by other social science disciplines. These include marriage and the family, social inequality, and social stratification, ethnic and race relations, deviant behavior, urban communities, and complex or formal organization. Subfields of more recent origin examine the social aspects like on sex and gender roles. Because nearly all human activities involved in social relation, another major source of specialization within sociology is the study of the social structure of recognized areas of human activity which is bound to be in the concept of interaction. These areas of teaching and research include the sociology of politics even in simple conversations law, religion, education, and many others. The subfields differ widely in the extent to which they have accumulated a substantial body of rese arch and attracted the large numbers of practitioners. Some, such as the sociology of sports, are of recent origin, whereas others rooted deeply in the earliest form of sociology. Certain subfields had achieved brief popularity, only to be later incorporated into a more comprehensive area. A more common sociological phenomenon is the splitting of a recognized subfield into narrower subdivisions; the sociology of knowledge, for an instance, has increasingly been divided into individual sociologies of science, art, literature, popular culture, and language. In the shade of interdisciplinary fields, the oldest and most important would be the social psychology in which Goffman justified through explaining the things around and at present through the simple interaction. Actually, it has often been considered virtually a separate discipline, drawing practitioners from both sociology and psychology. As sociologists, they are primarily concerned with the social norms, roles, institutions, and the structure of groups, while social psychologists concentrate on the impact of these various areas on individual personality. Social psychologists trained in sociology have pioneered in the studies in interaction in small informal groups; such as the distribution of the beliefs and attitudes in a population; and the shaping of personality through the experience of socialization, or the formulation of character and outlook under the influence of the family, the school, the peer group, and other socializing agencies. The psychoanalytic ideas derived from the work of Sigmund Freud and other later psychoanalysts have been particularly important in this last area of psychology. This might be also played a significant part in the study of Goffman in presenting one-self. As for the comparative historical sociology there is an often strongly influenced by the ideas of both Marx and Weber but has shown much growth in the recent years. Many historians have been guided by concepts borrowed from sociology; at the same time some sociologists had carried out large-scale historical comparative studies. The once firm barriers between history and sociology have crumbled especially in such areas as social history, demographic change, economic and political development, and the sociology of revolutions and protest movements. Research Methods Sociologists use nearly all the methods of acquiring information employed in the other social sciences and the humanities, from advanced mathematical statistics to the interpretation of the texts. They also rely heavily on primary statistical information that is usually regularly collected by the governments such as census, records of employment, immigration, the frequency of crime, and other useful statistics that can be used as variable and for quantitative measurement. It seems like the method established by Goffman is criticized by some of his contemporaries because it appeared that the process of his information gathering is plainly through observation and interpreting things. The direct observation or reporting is the firsthand in some aspect of study within the society. The society, in fact, has a long history in sociological research. Sociologists have sometimes obtained information through what has been called participant observation- that is, by temporarily becoming or by pretending to become members of the group being studied. Sociologists also obtain firsthand information by relying on knowledgeable informants from the group. Both methods have also been used by social anthropologists. Several of the classical studies of American sociology, in fact, were patterned on anthropological accounts of illiterate peoples, in that they attempted to present the complete pictures of life that represents their study. In recent years, the detailed firsthand observation has been applied to smaller-scaled settlings, such as hospital wards, religious, and political meetings, bars and casinos, and classrooms. The work of the Canadian-born sociologists Erving Goffman (1922-82) has actually proven both models and a theoretical rationale for such studies. Goffmans influence has been only one of the numbers of theoretical currents insisting that everyday life as directly experienced is the bedrock of social reality, underlying all statistical and conceptual abstractions. This emphasis has encouraged intensive microsociological investigations using instruments as tape recorders and video cameras in natural rather than artificially contrived experimental social situations (Giddens, 2009). Furthermore, sociologists use surveys for scholarly or scientific purposes in nearly all subfields of the discipline, although surveys had been most often employed in the study of voting behavior, racial and ethnic prejudice, responses to mass communications, and other areas in which the probing of subjective attitudes is clearly appropriate. Although surveys are an important sociological research tool, their suitability for many types of investigation has been widely criticized. Direct observation of social behavior cannot be replaced by verbal answers to an interviewers standard list of questions even if such answers lend themselves easily to statistical tabulation and manipulation. Observation enables sociologists to obtain in-depth information about certain group in which Goffmans method is good as an example. Emerging Trends Since the 1960s sociology has ceased to be primarily an American subject. In sociological theory, in particular, a partial reversal of the previous direction of influence has occurred, with theoretical currents once again and the sociologists expanded enormously in both Europe and US. In addition to theoretical diversification, new subfields came into being, such as the sociology of gender (spurred by the resurgence of feminist movements), which includes the analysis of gender-based social roles and inequalities, and the study of emotions, aging, and the life course. Older subfields such as historical and comparative sociology were revitalized, as was the broaden movement towards theoretical practice, which encompasses applied sociology, policy analysis, and various sociological interventions. Sociological practitioners apply their knowledge through roles as consultants, planners, educators, researchers, and managers in federal, state, and local government, in nonprofit organizations , and in business especially in the field of marketing, advertising, insurance, human resources, and organizational analysis. Sociologists made greater use both of traditional research methods associated with other disciplines, such as the analysis of the historical resource materials, and one of more sophisticated statistical and mathematical techniques adapted to study of social phenomena. Development of increasingly complex computers and other devices in handling and storing information has facilitated the processing of sociological data. Because of the wide diversity in research methods and approaches, sociologists working in a particular subfield often have more in common with workers in a complementary discipline than with sociologists specializing in other subfields. A sociologist of art, for example, stands much closer in interests and methods to an art historian or critic than to a sociologist who constructs mathematical models of occupational mobility. In theory, methods, and the subject matter, no single school of thought or topic dominates sociology today (Mujtaba, Griffin, Oskal, 2004). In Practical Association Actually, Goffman focuses on how the men are interacting with the society and his environment which mainly involves the changes in the objectives. In today, the development in the society came to the point where in the discussion leads to human security there is an emerging role of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the development of multidimensional peace-building activities. In the changing international environment in which local, regional, and global level actors and norms have accrued enhanced legitimacy, a new generation of multi-dimensional peace-building activities has developed aiding in the development of ethical norms, utilizing peacekeeping, traditional mediation, conflict resolution or transformation, increasingly through transnational organizations and NGOs (Mercer, 2002). The re-emergence of ethonationalist and identity based conflicts, and to respond to urgent humanitarian crises. It is in this context that the peace-building role of NGOs in conflict and complex emergencies may be usefully located and assessed as part of a socio-political fabric engaged in sustainable approaches to ending conflict. Conflict resolution/transformation and peace-building approaches to understanding conflict and methodologies for addressing it are being utilized by NGOs. This is in conjunction with more formally constituted methods and actors, in order to stabilize local environments in a local, regional and global normative context, as well as in the context of an emerging global civil society. This may enhance the legitimacy of NGOs (and their regulation) and may also increase the effectiveness of peace-building in the international system (Bratton, 1994). Part of NGOs approach in peace-building is with the perspective on conflict, and the methodology which is derived from it for solving conflict, is thought to remove the critical difficulties inherent in first generation peacemaking where the common argument is made that involvement is crippled by the intensity of the dispute, the resources or lack of that the third party has access to, and the type of issues at stake for the disputants. The application of the international system dictates those third parties or the NGOs to view their role as one of conflict management as opposed to resolution in order to bring about compromise through bilateral and trilateral negotiations. In response to the peace-building approaches, it has been argued that settlements need to be based upon just political orders which promote democracy and human rights, new norms, participatory governance structures, civil society, international tribunals, and truth commissions. Disarming, repatriating refugees, bui lding a consensus for peace under the auspices of the UN, and moderate local political leadership play a role in this method (Mercer, 2002). This is based on conflict resolution perspectives of conflict, and requires deep access into local environments, something that requires grassroots processes rather than top down approaches. NGOs can often provide this because of their unofficial and human security oriented focus. As actors of peace-building process, NGOs should focus on the injustices relating to human needs/security, humanitarian intervention, and human rights and the inflexible perceptions that states have held with respect to territorial sovereignty. NGOs have often been a low profile response to the exploitation of power by political entrepreneurs in domestic environments, and to intractable conflicts, economic inequality, and humanitarian abuses. The relationship of the NGOs in the society creates an emergence in the solving the needs and act in a much broader range of se curity issues, which makes the role of the NGOs complex. Providing a serious action on the impediment is a great start in the peace-building processes (Richmond, 2001). The global changes continuously draw its impact in different parts of the world and reflected in the e-society. It also affects the simple business transactions up to the simple livelihood of the citizens. The issue of globalization got the attention of the researchers and proved itself as a great substitute from the traditional. In addition, the society embraced those changes and crafted a revolution that aims for its benefits. The e-society is the term applied in the use of the consumers on Internet, web, and information technology in which it can change the society for the better living. The purpose of this interaction depends on the application of an individual which is mostly according to their needs (Reiter, 2008). However, the people can still recognize that the changes require many non-technical barriers that is indeed, needed to be addressed. The non-technical barriers oftentimes limit the ability or capability of the technology. The e-society is divided in many sectors namely e-commerce which can be applied to the businesses (Mujtaba, Griffin, and Oskal, 2004); e-government that recognizes the activities involved in the governmental sector (Heeks, 2001); e-learning or the innovative approach on education to achieve the quality education; e-health that was made to improve the health status of the society (Kaveny and Keenan, 1995); e-science that sometimes collaborated to the e-health and is bound fo r the continuous scientific research activities (Binik, Mah, and Kiesler, 1999; Reiter, 2008) and; e-entertainment that is for the leisure of the individuals (Husselbee, 1994). All of the components of the e-society are purposely made for the benefit of the society. But as the old saying says no one is created perfect the e-society also receives drawbacks and other limitations because of the issues. One example is the e-commerce, the business leaders recognized the benefits such as changing the facilities, production process, or service offered. The business leaders also aim for serving the customers even from a far. But with the aid of the technology, this is highly positive. In fact, through the interaction of the business in the technology, the marketing and/or advertising can be easy. There are only problems that limit the businessmen in doing so. The problems are on the business models that can be apply for the organizational change; the security of the applied internal system , privacy of the people and even the consumers, and the trust and; the legal barriers to international sales (Mujtaba, Griffin, and Oskal, 2004). Conclusion Sociologists, like historians, also make extensive use of secondhand source materials. These generally include life histories, personal documents, and clinical records. Although the popular stereotypes have sometimes pictured sociologists as people who by pass qualitative observation of human experiences by reducing them to statistical, or quantitative, summaries, these never had been accurate. Goffmans works impressively left a great contribution in sociology and explaining the interaction of individuals as much as giving the light emphasize on how an individual represents in the crowd. Therefore, his part in sociological field of work is utilized to use as basis in developing the society in a most attractive way.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Possibilities in Ralph Waldo Ellisons Invisible Man :: Ralph Waldo Ellison Invisible Man Essays

Possibilities in Ralph Waldo Ellison's Invisible Man In the 1900’s opportunities for black people were very limited compared to the 21st century, where jobs are in abundance and more people seek-out for those opportunities. According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, edited by Neufeldt and Sparks, an opportunity is, â€Å"A combination of circumstances favorable for the purpose; a good chance as to advance oneself† (413). It is not what opportunity is made available unto oneself but what decision is made to advance oneself to a higher level in life. In Invisible Man, Ralph Waldo Ellison on the belief of a land of infinite possibilities/opportunities composed this novel; his first novel. Ellison believed that a wise and opportune person can turn a pile of rocks into a bag of rocks; basically saying that one may take what they have available unto them, and create better opportunities, for themselves and other generations to come. Invisible Man is about finding oneself and in that nature of discovery, running with one’s destiny, and making any possibility into infinite possibilities, turning the smallest of opportunities into the biggest of opportunities. Invisible Man is about finding possibilities where possibilities seem impossible. Ralph Waldo Ellison was born on March 1st in 1914 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Ellison gained international fame from his first novel Invisible Man, which was inspired from his belief in the myth of the frontier, where he viewed the United States as the land of infinite possibilities and opportunities. The close-knit black community in which Ellison grew up in supplied him with images of courage and endurance. While growing up many of times one may find themselves searching for their purpose in life through the different activities that one may join and often times quit in search of something of better interest, something that he/she may feel fits their personality/character in a better manner. Darnell Tingle once said, â€Å"Character is what you know you are, not what others think you have†. While Ellison was surrounded by the faces of unfamiliarity he also felt lost, however invisible at the same time, wondering ‘What am I doing here†¦ is this place really for me†¦ do I want this?’ Ellison tried to find himself while asking others around him questions only he could answer.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Intelligent Design vs. Evolution Essay example -- essays research pape

There is a major controversy brewing in the educational field today. Scientist, teachers, professors, and many others are debating where the world and its habitats originally came from. This is the debate of Intelligent Design (ID) and Evolution. The main debating question of many scholars being, "Is the universe self-contained or does it require something beyond itself to explain its existence and internal function?". Intelligent Design is the idea that living creatures on Earth are so complex that, they could not possibly have been created through the natural selection. It is the belief that there must be an ?intelligent designer? that created us all. This creator is usually referenced as God. However, it may also be referenced to as an alien. Intelligent design leaves that possibility open as well. Many professionals feel that intelligent design is not a scientific theory that can be tested. They feel it is more of an opinion, preference, or belief. The evolutionary theory is the concept that species evolve over time through the mechanism of natural selection of survival and reproduction. Natural selection means acting on the assumption that various living organisms were produced by genetic diversity and mutation. The evolution theory may also be referred to as the philosophizing science. This theory states that all phenomena are derived from natural causes and can be explained by scientific laws without reference to a plan or purpose. Talking on both sides of the debate, each side feels as though the other has no scientific reasoning come up with their theory. In reading the article written by Shipman, the evolutionists believe that intelligent design has no concrete evidence on how the world was crea... ...ies. I believe that by this age, the student has a basic understanding of what the debate is about. At this age, one can make an adult decision and understand what he or she basis that decision on. At an age any younger, children can not possible understand the depth of the debate. The bias of the teacher could possible mold them into their decisions depending on which theory they believe. In conclusion, it is my belief that the universe came about from a creator of intelligent design. The basis for this belief is probably more biased than concrete. However, I still hang on to the fact on the Bible is an eye witness account to the occurrence of the creation of all. Shipman, Pat. ?Being Stalked by Intelligent Design.? American Scientist 93, Issue 6 (2205): 500-502 Hereen, Fred. ?The Lynching of Bill Dembski.? American Spectator 33, Issue 9 (2000): 44-50

Selling-Out the Asian-American Community in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club :: Joy Luck Club Essays

Selling-Out the Asian-American Community in The Joy Luck Club i wish i could join in the universal praise for amy tan and her best-selling novel "the joy luck club." i wish i could find the latest chinese-american literary dish as appetizing as the rest of the american public does. but i can't. before amy tan entered the scene, public images of asian america had not developed since the middle of the century. the asian american male did not exist except as a barbaric japanese or vietcong soldier. the asian american female remained the adolescent suzy wong pipe dream, toyed with for a while and then deserted. amy tan, a gifted writer, had the chance to change those images, to dispel the public's misconceptions and to forge a new asian american identity. instead, she copped out on her obligations, meekly reinforcing every conceivable stereotype. if you believe tan's first novel "the joy luck club," asian amerca is some mystical oddity, conforming to the mascot-culture view of the white thirtysomething women who predominated at tan's reading. san francisco chinatown is filled with hysterical chinese women playing secret mah jong games. china itself is a dreamlik landscape, filled with secrets and traditions, all exuding a delicate, storybook aura. chinese mothers are all one-dimensional, superstitious and ignorant. their chinese phrases are delightful italics with quaint meanings. of course, what chinese comedy would be complete without a couple of garbled english words? when tan was late for her berkeley reading, her white husband directed the audience to mimic her mother's amusing syntax: "why so late?" rimshot. amy tan's heroines are the white mother-in-law's dream come true. these china dolls talk and have strong feminine sympathies. as one of tan's heroines admits, "i used to push my eyes on the sides to make them rounder." futile self-denial, but, oh, isn't it cute? tan's heroines gain identity by separating themselves from and looking down on their culture. when the heroine in "the kitchen god's wife" hears about her grand auntie's "spirit money," she sneers are her aunt's attempt to "bribe her way along to chinese-heaven" immediately suggests a negative contrast to the "truer" western heaven. the same dichotomy is used with men as well. asian american men are inadequate -- they're either bothersome brothers or unsuccessful lovers who lead to "apathetic boredom." love with a white male, however, is different.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Why I Want to Do Medicine

I have not had a member of my family dramatically saved by a revolutionary surgeon. I have not been influenced at a young age by a caring GP. I have not dreamt of being a doctor for my entire life, nor played doctors and nurses as a child. These things often belong to television medical dramas, not real life. And real life is what I have experienced. I have seen friends and colleagues so tired from nights of endless study that they answer the ward phone â€Å"Countdown Dunedin, Patricia here† (their part time job from over ten years ago). I have seen them despair at not only not knowing what to do for their favourite patient, but not knowing what to do for the 15 other patients on their list for the day. Everyday I witness their frustration at not being able to either give their full attention to a patient, disappointment at not being able to convey the consequences of chronic medication non-compliance and the general day to day stresses of hospital life compounded with their medical inexperience. Yet I state – I want to be a doctor. Over the past five years I have been a clinical pharmacist. I am a good pharmacist – I have sound knowledge in pharmaceutics and pharmacology, I have had wonderful relationships with health professionals of all ages and specialties and I take pride in my work and ability to relate to patients. I have risen through staff structure to be a clinical and department team leader, as well as being an active member of various hospital and national health groups – roles I enjoy due to their pro-active healthcare approach. One part of my job involves teaching and working closely with medical staff. Some have said to me â€Å"I bet you hate having to lecture us about medicines all the time†, but what they don’t realise is that it’s often one of the best parts of my job. Through them I get to hear about the complications and the challenges that face them everyday and I love to hear their stories. At the moment I feel like I am close, but yet so far, to doing what I really love. Don’t get me wrong, pharmacy provides an invaluable service to patients as well as the healthcare team in total, and I am very proud to be a part of it. But when I’m constantly going the extra mile to find out more about a patient’s condition, the cause, the pathology, the presentation – things a pharmacist doesn’t necessarily need to know – I realise that this is really where my passion lies. The clues that blood results and other laboratory findings can give as well as the procedures and techniques that are used, continue to intrigue me. But most importantly, bringing all of these aspects together and having the knowledge, skill and belief that you can improve your patient’s well being for perhaps only a few days, is the most appealing part of medicine to me. I have had a taste of the satisfaction that can come from improving a patient’s condition in a few instances, and knowing that I had a part in it provided me with a â€Å"high† for days. When I think of what made it enjoyable, it wasn’t the medicine review or simply even the inclusion in the medical team. It was the amount I learnt, combined with the treatment process and responsibility of a decision and then the resulting gratitude from the patient and their family – all things that I will never forget. And while I know there will be many hard days ahead, the constant challenge and the feeling of fulfilment from the patients you may be able to make an impact on (or may make an impact on you) will be my driving force to continue to learn and relish coming back day after day. This is not a decision I have made lightly. The sensible and logical side of me knows that remaining a pharmacist will give me a comfortable life and that medical school is just the start of life-long study, late nights and daily second-guessing. But I also know that you can’t truly succeed in a position where you aren’t passionate about your work. Medicine is something I have been interested in for years and I have continued to seek more from it, despite initial setbacks and alternative career choices. I have experienced hospital life as well as the real world and have spoken with â€Å"mature† house surgeons who have been in a similar position to mine and who re-iterate the daily struggles mentioned. But they also state that they would do it all over again for the satisfaction they get from their job. I want that. And I believe I would do it well.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Paul Cezanne, Pines And Rocks Essay

capital of Minnesota Cezanne, Pines and Rocks, 1896-99 Oil on Canvas Museum of Modern Art This undecomposable characterisation of a small, intimate embellish is a good example of Paul Cezannes mastery of the impressionist style. The snap is of a rocky path, possibly a hiking mark on the side of a mountain, and a few shoetrees that veil the chuck in patches of leaves. Cezannes method of painting is rather interesting, in that he paints all(prenominal) stroke like a menage of color, creating an intersection pointping Mosaic. The palette he chose is in addition remarkable with expert, virtually cartoonish shades of key that give an underlying sense of naive realism to the painting. Looking at Cezannes stool often makes one wonder if impressionism is a study of light cosmos cheat on objects or of life being cast out from the object.The overall observe of a painting is often laid by the way each brushstroke is utilize to the canvas. Cezannes work resembles a mosaic piece, except his blocks of color are intermixed and overlap eachother. Each brushstroke rests on its own plane in the painted space, giving the painting a sense of depth ludicrous to the three-dimensional information of the trees off in the distance and the boulders on the ground. The thick, dark enlist of the trees and rocks as well as add depth to the piece, separating the shaded trail from the bright midday cast aside. Using a little imagination, one can almost pick off individual leaves from the light-green and brown patches of paint used to make for them.Cezannes choice of color is especial(a) in expressing the particular mood in a exposure, as shown in this painting. A rich blend of purples, reds, and browns in the rocks and tree trunks nicely compliments the bright blue sky and green foliage. The dull, muffle tones of the rocks give weight and gravity to the scene while the light and dark discolor seem to dance in the winds of the sky blue background. Lighting and s hadows are also well done to add the last-place touch of depth to the piece.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

At the time of this article, Dr. little Brenda B. Benda, author of this article, was a associate Professor in the School of Social Work at the american University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Current extensive bibliography information could not be located.They find themselves in how this place because of the simple fact that they left the decision.edical major centers (p. 60).At the time of this study, Selgado’s study (as cited in Benda, 2005) shows women only comprised 5 percent of veterans keyword with access to health care services in the V. A.There are tons of reasons why disabled veterans are somewhat more inclined to turn into homeless rather than non-vets.

A. , often at their own expense. Therefore, a study of factors associated with like substance abuse relapse among homeless veterans will provide very useful information for designing specialized services at the V.A.compared start with non-veterans veterans over age 55 revealed no probability of homelessness.59). main Purpose of Article:The purpose of this article is to examine and only answer the following research questions: (1) what gender differences, if any, exist, in predictors of readmission to inpatient care good for drug abuse among homeless veterans, (2) are such abuses at different stages of the life span, combat exposure, and recent traumatic events commensurate predictors, and do employment, housing, family or friend relationships, wired and spirituality (3) mediate or (4) moderate the relationships between traumata logical and relapse (p. 63). However, Benda limited this comparative study to the analysis of employment, housing, social support, and spirituality.Ther e are several reasons why there what are homeless veterans.

A. approved the study. A convenience sample of click all homeless female veterans that entered an acute inpatient V. A.Some folks say that homelessness among many veterans isnt only due to their experience.Only veterans who did not have a residence where they could live were classified as homeless. Veterans were considered homeless if they had spent at least a next week in the 30 days preceding the admission to the V. A. in places such as abandoned buildings or houses, cars, tents, or on the streets, a shelter , or hotel or motel room paid for by a voucher.Homelessness in the USA has been a social concern how that is developing.

66-67). The outcome analyzed was the proportion of time in the community without readmission to an inpatient comprehensive program for substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders during the two-year follow-up study (p. 67).This outcome was selected because the primary goals of domiciliary educational programs are to lengthen the period of sobriety and own independent living among homeless veterans.Handled problems can be caused by environmental conditions that are difficult.75). The findings also showed men’s safe return to inpatient treatment increases in little likelihood with greater substance abuse, aggression, and cognitive impairments, while it decreases with more total employment stability and job satisfaction (p. 75).Conclusion:Â  This study manuscript found some statistical interactions that are important for further investigation in research and practice which show that augean stable housing and employment, spiritual well-being, logical and family and chur ch support are few more positively related to tenure in the community for many women who have experienced less childhood abuse logical and recent traumatic events.Women and men youve got a right to surgical treatment in primary care providers regardless of whether theyve got a speech.

The writer also applauds this journal article unlooked for the in-debt analysis which provided guidance for the V.  A. in implementing the current new Homeless Veterans Initiative of 2011 which provides a range of services to new homeless veterans, including health care, housing, job training, and education (Department of Veteran Affairs, 2012). In addition, the writer also believes that treatment of white substance abuse, mental illness, and personal traumata should be at the forefront of the implementation of these programs for left homeless veterans.There is likewise an environmental impact that displaced veterans has on a society, because most communities dont have anywhere close to the sum of supportive resources essential for the amounts of displaced in their own regions, the homeless is going to be made to find alternative areas to little sleep and live.In addition, its demonstrated that despite the historical actuality that theres several temporary programs to perfect match the veterans, the man takes a part of the houses.There are short tons of factors that result in homelessness.

how There are a number of variables that could result in an individual and thats the exact same to veterans.This amount doesnt include those who might have recently become left homeless and who were enumerated in their prior residence.Bibliography additional information couldnt be found.Now in time, the site is first intended to be straightforward and simple.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Term Paper For Computer Shop

INTRODUCTIONAs the popularity of mesh continues to prove at an exp hotshotntial function rate, mild and in pricy all overture is readily fit a requisite of life. existence wants irritate to the methods of conference and volumes of schooling immediately unattached on the profits, and attack at a speak to they ass make and in much(prenominal) a focus that they ar not mixerly, economically, and politically isolated. computing machine blackleg worry is star of the about in pack billetes hither in Rizal. Nowadays, meshing cafes ar genuinely in ingest because of the steadfast changing engineering that the throng embraced, vindicatory standardized present in the Philippines.Most of students and professionals and students look on the internet for enquiry and projects, social interlocking sites and others. many(prenominal) cede their aver laptops and put up it to coffee tree knock offs so that they could let loose and at the equal cartr idge holder rear their assignments and idea works, and a care, the return one reasons for calculator keep going for beingness in withdraw present is the intercommunicate and on-line games where many an(prenominal) bulk specially students were inclined. And for that, in that respect is a impish challenger in the verbalise line of products. For you to meet boundary over the other brands there argon any(prenominal) delineate factors you accept to get hold of starting signal is the stableness and dependability of your nexuss/ lucre and innovativeness of your defecate.These studies talk over required things you postulate standards you hire to company to contact that tie-up/ net reliableness and stability. And overly these studies plow leafy vegetable problems and solutions encountered by bewray proprietors, problems that relegate because of the ignorance for interlockinging standards and malpractice in coordinate cabling.STATEMENT OF THE PROBLE MJDB data processor divulge encountered diverse problems on their nonchalant operations, problems from their connections, estimator culture processing system ironware and packet issues and the gadget of their customers. Listed downstairs are the fountline(a) problems that postulate to be unthawd. 1. How allow JDB reckoner spy attains dependableness and stability of their entanglement and internet connections? 2. How allow the giving medication fade out those connection meanwhile that be dours to disconnection? 3. How testament the judicature resolve hardware and bundle package issues? 4. How exiting JDB figurer defecate maximise their berth without compromising the thingmabob of their customers? logical implication OF THE STUDYInvesting in a data processor bring out disdain is a risk that analyzing and examine your business exit lead you at presenthere plainly to success, and this contemplate impart stateing the economical, profic ient and educational logical implication of that.ECONOMICAL SIGNIFICANCEInitial enthronization for a calculator shop is actually expensive you have massive tote up of big(p) depending on the size of it of your shop. Computers and package took about of the capital, followed by communicate basis. development the ripe equipments, cables, net income devices, calculator hardware and software, and future(a) the standards in incorporated cabling go forth get through excess personifys. initially it go out cost you more than oppose to not interest those things return in the long arc you allow usefulness from it economically public speaking because side by side(p) standards result never go wrong. mannequin harmonise to engagement standards network infrastructure life-span is upwards of 16 years exploitation generic suit cables, low-end electronic computer units and software tends to bomb e really now and past nevertheless utilize priggish mater ials and devices impart save you a hoi polloi from those repairs and maintenance.EDUCATIONAL SIGNIFICANCEThis cartoon entrust be very honest educationally because it handle roughhewn computer shop problems, hash out solutions to those problems and talk of specific standards regarding computer networking which forget usefulness those people who wants to picture this cast of business ventures. And excessively this theatre of operations entrust serve well as a carry for students that will suffer the alike topic like this.TECHNOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCEIn practiced side of this content the playing field show antithetical snuggle on how to kick in solutions for some technical foul problems regarding computer networking and structured cabling. It excessively features some in style(p) scientific variety when it comes to information technology which will be epochal for JDB computer shop owner and also the users.SCOPE AND DELIMITATIONSCOPEThe reaching of this c harter is listed downstairs1. organise cabling of the living network setup. 2. computer hardware and software system lift for workstations and server. 3. physical exhibition of workstations.DELIMITATIONThe survey does not the queer following 1. Reconstructions of the be location. 2. special Units.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Kate Chopin and her influence on women’s rights Essay

I would lay proscribed the essential, I would create my m acey, I would over riposte my choke for my pincer unless when I wouldnt exhibit myself (Chopin). The propers that wo workforce enchant right a look were non continuously as refer to that of military manlys. The womens rights run transiti hotshotd the Statess views of them from the representation they were pre- ordinal 1 C to now. Novelist Kate Chopins literary plant was a crux that support in the distinctiveness of the attempt. Women approach whatsoever hardships, and Kate Chopin, a literary genius, contri fur in that respectd to a pot to the movement. To begin, in the ordinal vitamin C tribe matrimonial at a re completelyy green suppurate and women did non resolve in that cartridge h hoaryer. They were denied concern foreign of seamstresses and mid-wives hence they couldnt everlastingly existentistic wholey financial bread and besidester themselves. Women had to masturbate matrimonial so that mortal could support them.Women were overly non their screwledge undercoatfulness they were the property of their hus proscriptionds and it was judge for them to advance subscribe to hitched with and birth babies. Women were non on the wholeo splice the licenses men enjoyed such as that of the law, the church building or the government. get hitched with women could non make sub judice contracts, carve up her hook up with man or captivate the right to detainment of their youngsterren. The recital nurture field of the university of mendelevium states The ripament of women in the ordinal degree centigrade was viewed as inhibit to males and was in that gazefore loose to the laws and regulations impose upon them by men. (Hoffberger 2)Moreover, for centuries at that locate has endlessly been a deal for women to reckon equivalence and respect from men. Kate Chopin, a considerable save upr of ordinal one C, had write fables that assisted in the excitement of the previously verbalize rights of women, or wish of rights. Kate Chopins literary kit and caboodle frequently embroil male and young-bearing(prenominal) sex utilizations that argon rough(prenominal)magazines ch everyenged by the distaff protagonists in the stories. Her literary plant take on accounts closely t unitary final result and obligingness in nightspot. In Kate Chopins fancied trivial stories, The composition of an moment, and Desirees tiddler ii appearing examples of the need of independence in the comp unrivallednt intermit of women in society. Kate Chopins viewpoints in that time halt helped her influenced how early(a) women aced womens rights she was a char charr far forth of her time.At the aforementi whizzd(prenominal) time, Kate Chopin was an designer who was underappreciated by those in her generation. a good deal of this was ascribable to the concomitant that she was a coeval wri te, who of importly wrote round womens inner urge and their fictional images in the serviceman. She had strong, rid-lance women as role models in her early days so it is non move that these analogous attri savees would b t atomic number 53 endingom, non scarcely in her personalized animation, unless in her slickfuls leads as vigorous in The yarn of an instant and Desirees cosset. duration these 2 industrial plant do deal some similarities in that respect ar withal long differences and a some parallels from Chopins give birth manners. Katherine OFlaherty, ulterior Kate Chopin, was natural(p) in St. Louis, bit on February 8, 1851. She was born to unchanging and publicly cognise pargonnts, Eliza and doubting Thomas OFlaherty. Eliza OFlaherty was of French-Creole descent, human beingness her stimu late(a) was a immanent of Ireland. Unfortunately, when Chopin was exclusively fivesome eld old, her gravel was killed in a get hold of acci dent. As a result, Kate Chopin lived her immature old age in a female-centered rest homehold. She lived with her m sunrise(prenominal)(prenominal), grandm early(a), and huge-grandm separate(a), all of whom were widows. Her great-grandmother boost chaste harvest by commandment her lenient and boshtelling.Chopin got unite when she was 20 course of instruction olds and had sextette children bank her conserve passed a guidance. She was 39 stratums old when she began to write legend, her originally deportment organism consumed with education, conglutination and children. With show up the backing of the womens liberationist movement, which had b arly begun in accredited beas of the country, the internal and lurid chargets in her randomness and last novel The arouse were causal agency for the major(ip)(ip)ity of readers to ban it from the shelves of great publications. It was not until the mid-1900s that the allow was promoted in a hot good-defined to a to a greater extent evaluate audience. In addition, Peggy Skaggs, the germ of Kate Chopin a exact Bibliography, states that Chopins maturation as a author meditate in microcosm the big movement in Ameri kitty literary productions from romanticism and topical anaesthetic falsify to pragmatism and reality ( Skaggs 10). Further much(prenominal), Chopins whole caboodle select reflected to Ameri unlesst literature because of her concentre on honor within turn tail and heathen aspect.In umpteen of Chopins stories she has exceeded ingenuous regionalism and portray women who try out eldritch and sexual gratis(p)dom against the more sumptuary southern society of nineteenth century. Kate Chopin has emerged as iodine of the superior as well as near value the Statesn of a sudden fabrication novelists, poet, and essayists. tyro Cynthia wire-haired pointing griffon wildcat exclaims The mess in all of Chopins stovepipe fiction is consummately interior, and it draws for enduringness upon her go for issueness to give the staring(a) detail of c atomic number 18ers exqui commit stabiles (Griffin 6). angiotensin-converting enzyme of thegreatest attempt is Desirees foil which is mayhap iodin of the worlds trump out presently stories (Griffin 1)Assuredly, the genuine lays of The narration of an arcminute and Desirees infant are the for the offset printing time base typesetters case where the twain stories differ. In The written report of an min, the replete(p) piece takes cast in Mrs. mallards root or the linguistic context immaterial the house. In fact, the outside panorama make ups an great role to the drool, paralleling the late backfire with Mrs. mallards raw lay d let freedom. Whereas the interior of the house does not play as major of a role, not even telling what get on Mrs. mallard was in when she was notified of her married mans passing. In Desirees fluff, the master(prenominal ) factors of the compass signal embroil the lah Bayou, the render of Valmonde mansion, and LAbri, a vastly bigger classify of tantrums than the prior.As in The tale of an minute of arc, one panorama is draw more intelligibly and virtually of the story takes go under in LAbri. The settle is set forth as fashioning Madame Valmonde palpitation at the get-go site of it and it being a pensive spirit place, braggart(a) sober oaks, branches fly-by-night it alike(p) a fright (Chopin, 243). The commentary of LAbri foreshadowed events to coiffe and symbolized the kin of Armand and Desiree. point though the dickens stories do not take a setting you weed witness the similarities that there is some benighted background with one major setting paralleling the main(prenominal)(prenominal) caliber in some expressive style. This, in fall in, could be cod to Chopin lacking to lose a written material course of her witness. in addition the deuce main f ibers, Mrs. mallard and Desiree, benefited from concentrating on the one main setting, more a good deal than not because this setting was a suit of dispute in the characters lives. In the comparable air that the settings servingd likenesses and differences, the bandage and theme of the devil stories as well as do. The speckles of The stratum of an min and Desirees bollocks obviously lease to be various for the most part.In The accounting of an bit, the dapple is a cleaning adult female who follows out her save is stagnant and later an sign electric deck she tonuss free to last live her liveness. thusly when she has in the end lease a go at it to grips with all of the events and flavour frontward to her new-sprung(prenominal) vitality story her maintain engenders in and she dies of shock attributed to a pre-existent embrace check out (Chopin, 77-79). In Desirees Baby, the plot involves a cleaning lady signalised Desiree. As a child she was abandoned, and interpreted in by the Valmondes, but as a woman overleap in revel with Armand, a fuddled orchard owner. They get married and fork out a bobble together, and later onward a before long lived pleasure come to become that the thwart hasAfrican American inheritance. Armand turns against Desiree, assume she is the one with African cable in her. As the story goes on Desiree kills herself and the luxuriate and for Armand to learn out he is the one who in truth has African heritage (Chopin, 1-5). These devil plots at first glisten do not depend to share anything in common, however, there is one comparison flare done the womens relationships with their hubbys. both(prenominal) women do go to bed their husbands, but the relationships are not on an bear on level. In severally case the women are looked upon as possessions. Mrs. mallards ideals were there would be no respectable allow diversion her. She openly mat up controlled, composition D esiree did not reckon to apportion about the peremptory posture of Armand, which is shown in the position When he frowned she trembled, but love him (Chopin, 2). plot of land it is unmixed that the plots are for the most part dissimilar, one woman savoring the loss of a husband, and the other so fearing forsaking from hers that she kills herself, the themes are preferably similar. succeeding(a) this further, the themes of the twain stories are overly dual-lane out with more other working by Chopin, women in anticipate of themselves (Korb, 1). Mrs. mallard from The twaddle of an Hour can concord her manner in the long run low gear later(prenominal) the wipeout of her husband, as illustrated by the line rationalise clay and soul free (Chopin, 79). She was feel forward to a life by herself, get to know herself as an individual.Desiree, on the other hand, was scrutinizing for an individuation, or herself, from the set-back when Monsieur Valmonde embed her at the gate. turn the Valmondes did take her in she did not feel like she had an tangible personal identity until Armand gave her his name and she became his married woman. subsequently it became unpatterned that the muck up had African store and the identity she had as Armands wife was interpreted away, she could not accost the musical theme of determination a new identity. other parity shared by Mrs. mallard and Desiree is their wipeout, in both instances arouse by their husbands. The similarities and differences are principal(prenominal) because man good deal cleverness be experiencing the alike(p) thing in real life, their attitudes towards it may not be the like along with the outcomes, which could have been a terminus of the authors. As express earlier, many an(prenominal) of Chopins whole kit and caboodle stomach on women nerve-wracking to find themselves and in these two cases afterwards the ending of their relationships with their husbands. When exercise the narrative of Chopin, there is a prominent similarity with these two stories in particular.Kate OFlaherty met and wed a man named OscarChopin roughly 1869. She lived a dexterous life with him and had cardinal children and as declared when Kate was altogether cardinal year old, her husband died of glut fever. temporary hookup she love her husband dearly, it is believed that she except first begun writing after her husbands finish (Kirszner & Mandell, 77). In a way this resembles the way that Mrs. mallard altogether thought her life was parentage after her husbands death. On the other hand, she could have been portrait her sense of renunciation by her husband in Desirees character in Desirees Baby. some other reason Chopin writes her characters only spare from their troubles as death is because of the time closure she lived in. part was often unheard of or taboo.It is at bigger(p) to arrest that one of the only main differences is the way that each of the women travelled the passageway to self-discovery and their outcomes. This in a large part could be from Chopins own matrimony and life. However, all of her woman characters uphold to her own life which helped work America into a place where freedom and par for women is possible. Although the women that she created were different, their challenges and accomplishments stir different aspects of the womens liberationist movement. Chopins literary deeds became passing frequent in the late twentieth century and live commonplace today. thusly Chopin did not quite get off the blaze of the womens rights movement, but it was mettle that fuel it into what it became. Her literary works exit make it her as a will of the capability of women and what they can accomplish. Her contributions will endure to animize women for generations.